
Photos from the Garden

Gardening is a beautiful hobby that allows you to get exercise, and save money, as growing your own food cuts down on your shopping bill. You also have the added […]

Shadows Make Nice Photos

As a child, I was amazed when my Mother taught us how to form shadows mostly of animals and other creatures on the walls. This worked best when the power […]


Never miss an appointment or a special day. We are offering you a free gift. Download our calendar and stay organized. You can also subscribe to our YouTube Channel just […]

Carifesta XIV 2019

Carifest VIX 2019 was held in Trinidad and Tobago this year and some twenty-one (21) countries participated in the festival. From the opening ceremony to the arts and crafts on […]

Cloud Photography

Whether the days are cloudy and rainy or sunny, the sky is always looking different and Cloud Photography brings something new and excitement to Photography, at least for me. Just […]

Wonder of the World Plant

You get the strangest lessons or reminders at the strangest times and thankfully Photography is also an avenue which facilitates this. Early one morning, I was looking at some old […]

A Dog Named Patches

Animals are very interesting creatures in particular dogs. We have been fortunate for just over ten years or so to have as a part of the family a dog named […]

Coin and Stamp Collecting

As children, many of us grew up having countless hobbies. One of my favorite past times was collecting coins and stamps. I usually got the foreign ones through “Pen Pals or […]

Sugar Apple

Many of the fruits we grew up eating are either not around anymore or are sold way to expensively. So called progress has bulldozed fruit trees in its path, for […]

Jumping Dogs

I recently upgraded the memory card in my Cannon A560 as a result I am now getting much longer video clips. You know what they say when your trying to […]

Basic Photoshop Skills

Many years ago I participated in a Photoshop (Image editing software) course. While it was interesting, I never liked the fact that the programme could be used to manipulate photographs. […]


How does one become an entrepreneur? Experts say do what you love and you will never work a day in your life if you turn it into a business. Others […]

Black and White Photography

Black and white Photography gives a different perspective of the subject. For instance this monkey and her baby. The black and white version looks good and adds a different kind […]

Antique Typewriter

There was a show on television, which saw people taking their old antiques to be valuated. Unfortunately, I cannot remember the name of the show though. I would watch week […]

Emancipation Highlights

The celebration of Emancipation on August 01st every year, always brings mixed emotions. While a significant part of our history is captured in the sad events of slavery our beginnings […]

Post Cards

A friend of mine thoughtfully sent me a wonderful Easter Card, thanks again Chris. That got me thinking about this wonderful past time of sending post cards or corresponding the […]

My Winnie Mandela Story

The passing of Mr. Nelson Mandela brought back memories not only of seeing him (as told in my story posted on this site) but also memories of seeing Winnie Mandela […]

Independence 2013

Understandably, one would have mixed emotions on this Independence Day. I believe someone sang it in a calypso “fifty one (51) years gone how you feel???

A Few Shots

Once you get bitten by the photography bug, you can’t help it, so even though I was working hard at my studies and still am (don’t think I will ever […]

Moon in the Morning

One morning just before six o’clock, I walked into the yard and saw the lazy clouds dancing across the face of the moon as it prepared to give way to […]

Spider’s Web

With the crime rate being what it is, it can sometimes be unsafe to take your camera out. I heard of two visiting photographers who were robbed at Forth George […]

Photoshop and Photography

After an exercise today, I have renewed respect for Graphic Artist. GemGfx who are responsible for building and hosting my website, make working with Photoshop, which is a graphic editing […]

Jumping Dog

I recently changed the memory card in my Canon A560, this means I now get longer video clips. You know what they say when you want to improve your skills […]

Talented Fingers

When you can use your hands to create all sorts of things is indeed a gift from God. Just look at these marvelous corsages. Ms. Liz, the creator of these […]

Visit to the Zoo

One of the best places to get countless number of photographs is at the zoo. Yet amongst the hundreds of shots there will always be one that stands out the […]

Film Shots

Some photographers still prefer to use film as a back up or film in general. Digital has its distinct advantages though, for one you don’t end up with rolls and […]

Glimpse of Barbados

These are just some snap shots from my trip to Barbados. It is a beautiful island, as most of the Caribbean islands are. Very similar to Trinidad and Tobago in […]

Charger Problem Solved

Got my new charger and it works fine. The new batteries I bought to test the old charger also work fine. Therefor the conclusion of the matter is the old […]

Shinny Crawling

In Trinidad and Tobago we have a small creature called a Shinny. If you get stung from this little fellow you will have high fever for days.

Birds fighting

video birds 009These birds got into it with each other one day in the back yard. What they were fighting over is anyones guess.video birds 009