Post Cards

IMG_8354 with logoA friend of mine thoughtfully sent me a wonderful Easter Card, thanks again Chris. That got me thinking about this wonderful past time of sending post cards or corresponding the good old fashioned way for that matter. Sometimes I myself am so busy that I fail miserably to observe the seasons as it were, Christmas, Easter, New Years, or special dates such as Valentines birthdays or anniversaries.

Cards would usually be sent for special events or major accomplishments like graduations or starting a new job. What ever it was, just taking time to send someone a card, meant you were sending them good thoughts, best wishes and prayers and this may be the encouragement they needed.IMG_8365 with logo

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I can hear the sighs, imagine the rolled questioning eyes saying – snail mail, is she serious??? Usually the post takes weeks, especially across borders. Not to mention the additional cost and time to select the appropriate card or pen a letter. You would usually have to be really organized as snail mail means you would have to send it in advance, so that it would arrive on time. Coming out of this kind of communicating, was the hobby of stamp collecting, how much this is still pursued I am not sure.

As a child I had pen pals all around the world and I would hurry home after school just to see if I got any letters. I would look out for the post person daily, during school vacation and would spend hours reading and replying to those letters. I must say corresponding developed my reading and writing skills (which is an asset to you as a student) and I am still very much interested in them both.

Today we send and email or an ecard and that just means the way we are communicating has changed. For one, it is now instant and that has definite advantages. Will the post card industry go out of business or the post office close up shop, I don’t think so. There will always be those of us who are softies for and appreciate getting cards and love sending them.IMG_8352 with logo

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