My Photos And Videos Need More Storage Space

Happy New Year to you and your loved ones. I join you in being grateful just for seeing 2023. So much has happened with serious global issues such as the Pandemic and Climate Change. For those of us who are Photographers, I am sure you would agree with me when I say while both issues presented countless photographic opportunities, like me sometimes there are some photos you just do not want to take.

Speaking of photos they do require a lot of space. In this blog, I wanted to talk about additional storage. Anyone using a computer, especially Photographers, always need more storage space.

Recently I purchased the Seagate BarraCuda 2TB Internal Hard Drive HDD which for me is an additional hard drive. My computer was beginning to slow down as the year was coming to a close because I added hundreds of photos to it which I would have taken with my cellphone.

Seagate BarraCuda 2TB

The drive has 2 Tb of space, is neatly built, and is very lightweight. Physically it installed quite easily. I would admit I am sort of a tech lover at least in the area of computer repair and website development. You can check out one of my previous blogs However, I had to go to the manufacturer’s website for assistance, thankfully, their technical people were very helpful. Honestly, I think the manufacturers should have included printed instructions. It just helps to make a product more user-friendly.  I would purchase the drive again however, it is perfect.

Now I have additional storage space and can back up my photos. Even though I am saving to the “cloud” you still want to have a back-up of a back-up. I did a short clip of me unboxing the drive or looking at it after taking it out of the box.

Check out my short clip on YouTube

Keeping up with making great photos is easy but I do not always keep up with my blogs and so while I normally do not make New Year’s resolutions I am making one on this occasion and it is simple. I will try to keep up with my blogs on this site. The Pandemic contributed to my not writing as much because if you look at most of my blogs they would have been done after I covered an event and so with us being underlock-down for so long I think I got writer’s block. 

For those of you who are new thank you for visiting and let me explain, what I meant when I said to keep up with my blogs on this site. I will share with you that when I am not working here at Imagefingerprint, I am over at making wonderful fashion accessories. Feel free to visit and feedback is welcomed. 

Now that I am back at blogging please look out for more updates and information. Do let me know what are your challenges with storage space if you have any and feel free to leave a comment below if you like.

See you in my next blog. 

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