Your Wardrobe – Our Clients Special Orders

Your Wardrobe has been hard at work and our aim is always to please our customers. This one of a kind blue checkered denim type bag, was made by special order for a very special customer. We were asked to choose the fabric and come up with something stylish and fashionable and after much thought and hard work, we came up with this neat little bag. Needless to say our customer was very pleased.

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We do have in stock as well, bags you can just bye off the shelf. These bags are multi functional and are especially great for shopping or carrying your stuff, to work or school.

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Last but not least, another special order. A customer who is crazy about purple, asked that we make a cell phone case in purple and black. However, just to add a little colour to the design this multicolored plat was added to the front of the case. Lest us just say we are happy when our clients are happy. with logo 20160726_170741

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