Do It Yourself (DIY) Crochet Phone Case

with logo IMG_0360 with logo IMG_0357Your Wardrobe is pretty proud of our late-test crochet creation, a very trendy looking phone case. We pride ourselves on providing not only the best customer experience but also the best top quality products. As such, the phone case took just about a week to complete and has a handy wrist carrying strap. a key ring so that you can attach your keys and hook the case securely on your finger and a large back compartment for your earphones and charger. The case is also lined for extra cushion and to prevent scratches and it also has three (3) crochet roses on the front.

When deciding on the colours, black was the first go to colour because of the fact that it could stand up to the rough and tough of the day to day use, without getting dirty quickly. I also wanted to use bright colours as well and so decided to go with the colour combination of red, gold, green and black. Some may also know that these are not only colours described as African colours but colours associated with the Pan-African movement. We will do a blog giving some information on this movement in the future.

Your wardrobe is looking forward to other such practical projects and do feel free to send in your orders.



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