Basic Photoshop Skills

Many years ago I participated in a Photoshop (Image editing software) course. While it was interesting, I never liked the fact that the programme could be used to manipulate photographs. I always liked my photographs in a raw state. However, there may be a time when you have an absolutely gorgeous photograph that is ruined by a branch sticking out or a busy, bushy background. Then you see the absolute need for Photoshop and wished you were practicing more with the tools in the programme.

I decided to change my profile photo on facebook and wanted to use a photo that was taken of me a few months ago. I was modeling some of the rosettes made by Your Wardrobe. The photo was a good one and did me justice, as well as advertised the rosette, however, the background was to distracting. With my limited Photoshop skills, I cut out myself from the photograph using the pen tool and changed the background. Not a bad job. Usually I would just bother the folks at to help me out but I am glad I made an attempt. Another tip as well, check out Youtube as you may also find helpful Photoshop tutorials.

I am looking forward to brushing up on my Photoshop skills and to encourage others out there, especially Photographers to do the same, I am giving you a look at the before and  after photo.

Good luck.

Before Photoshop IMG_9792 After Photoshop  my profile photo with logo cut out

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