Coin and Stamp Collecting

As children, many of us grew up having countless hobbies. One of my favorite past times was collecting coins and stamps. I usually got the foreign ones through “Pen Pals or pen friends” today more commonly know as e-pals – wow, that sure dates me. I was lucky enough to correspond with people from Africa, Finland, and Kuwait amongst other places.   

I was doing some Easter cleaning and found these coins and stamps neatly stored away in a box. The first coin is local and represents a piece of our history as Trinidad and Tobago no longer uses the Penney as it was called. For the life of me, I cannot remember where I got that coin though. If media reports are correct, then it means by at least the end of this year, 2017, we will no longer use the one-cent piece either.  

One of my favorite stamps is one I bought at the post office. It is a commemorative stamp of Ms. Universe 1998, Ms. Wendy Fitzwilliams and that stamp has forever captured another milestone.  

Believe it or not, there are some photographers who work with coins and stamps and it is always nice to watch auction shows where among other items coins and stamps are evaluated. Photographers who are interested in this kind of work you can have a read of Mr. David Peterson’s article “How to photograph your coin collection” on #

Enjoy your hobbies whatever they are. 


Trinidad and Tobago – Penny Coin.         Miss Universe 1998 – Ms. Wendy Fitzwilliams

    Trinidad and Tobago Fifty Cents Coin     






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