Emancipation 2017 Highlights – Memorable Moments

Every year, I try to capture the celebration that is the Emancipation Day Parade. Always the event is tremendous but this year it was outstanding. The technology also makes it possible to share what you have captured in different ways but namely through Social Media. I must admit I was only recently bitten by the YourTub bug.

This year I made a playlist of all the neat videos that I captured. Just click the link below.

I also made a slide show of some of the more memorable moments.


The YouTube bug has so bitten me, that I also did slide shows of Emancipation Celebrations throughout the years. You can visit my YouTube Channel.

 to have a look at those videos and others.

Unfortunately, YouTube will be taking away the slide show feature come September 20th, 2017 but I have until then to enjoy reinventing my photos.

Do enjoy the videos and feel free to subscribe and like my channel.

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