Improving Your Food Photography Photos

When I started off taking photos, I simply could not narrow the field. I just loved taking photos of everything and still do so to some extent. I mean, there were certain types of photography I was not keen on, but that was not in many areas. Recently, I have found myself doing more work in the area of food photography. From growing the food to planting the food, the plus is that you get fantastic subjects in both areas.

In previous blogs, I looked at the topics below and you can click the links to read them.

Just some of my favorite Food Photography shots.

Photos from the garden.

Garden weeds make nice photos

Usually, I do not plan the photo shoots. If I am tending to the plants and I see a beautiful flower or harvest some produce and they make a good shot, I take it. If I am cooking and I dish out the meal and it looks good on the plate and the lighting happens to be good, I take the shot. 

However, every skill or craft can be improved, and food photography is no exception, these tips I have found are helping me to produce better photos.

    • Plating: I try to use plain white plates and other items to display the food.

    • Garnish: Pay attention to garnishing, as it can make the food more attractive.

    • Less is more. It is best to resist the urge to have too many things on the plate. In other words, clutter does not always work.

    • Be efficient. If the food is hot, I try to take as many shots as possible to capture the steam as it rises from the meal. If it’s cold, I try to capture the moisture on the glass, for example. So I must work quickly because hot food can get cold and cold food can defrost quickly.

    • Lighting: If you have access to natural light, be sure to use it. It helps to create the best photos. If not, use artificial lighting as best you can. I am working extra hard in this area.

    • Fruits: When taking photos of fruits, use fruits without blemishes. They look more attractive.
    • Last but not least, I reward myself by enjoying my meal.

Whether you are taking photos professionally or if it’s a hobby you love, whatever category you fall into, I know you will feel a sense of pride when you get the best photos you can. Of course, there are a lot more points to consider, but I have started with those I listed. I do hope they are helpful.

I am also sharing some more shots.     

Do enjoy taking your photos be they food or otherwise.

See you in my next blog.

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