Protest March – Concerned Citizens Take To The Streets

The 23rd May, 2014 will go down in history as the day the biggest ever public protest march was held in Trinidad and Tobago. Called by the Joint Trade Union Movement, trade union members, Civil Society Groups, Opposition Political parties and all concerned and right thinking citizens were asked to hit the streets. Comrade Ancil Roget, head of the Joint Trade Union Movement and also President General of the Oil Field Workers Trade Union, asked that people stand in defense of the country. He also asked that mixed emotions be set aside as many felt that back in 2010 the shoe was on the other foot so to speak and this same group organizing the march were singing a different tune. IMG_8411

What moved this writer tremendously was the fact that not only did citizens from all walks of life come out but those that were differently abled as well. The man in the wheel chair not only participated but made the trek along the route of the march being counted as one of the over twenty thousand (20,000) concerned citizens. IMG_8405
Also this visually impaired lady stood thoughtfully in Woodford Square as announcements were made by the organizers. IMG_8421.

The voice of one protester (moreover that of over twenty thousand strong), should not be ignored especially when organizers have promised to keep the issues very much alive. This may mean we may see an even bigger march . with logo folder 2 IMG_8448

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