Food Photography Has Many Rewards

I try to take shots of ordinary everyday things I find in the kitchen and trust me when I say Food Photography has its rewards. Needless to say, there is always much pleasure when am done shooting, and I get to partake of the delicious food. Honestly, I did not realize how many shots I took this year and choosing some for this blog was a challenge. Coupled with the fact that the New Year is not yet upon us and so the possibility exists that I may find some more interesting subjects.  

From fried fish to Christmas drinks or everyday local snacks, they all look so much different when viewed through the lens of a camera. To me, a good food shot must make your mouth water as your taste buds tingle and you must smell the aroma of bread if it’s photographed just after being baked. 

I love cooking and I love Photography and you know what they say. Love what you do and do what you love and you will never work a day in your life. 

Bon appétit


               Apples Galore                                                              Tasty Sorrell



Baking A Cake 




Saffron Root                                                         


Red Red Wine    


Coloured Caramel Pop Corn                                A Tasty Glass of Mauby 

                 Yummy Plantins                                                              Tomatoes 

       Giant Marshmallows                              Oatmeal and Spices 



                       Just Snacking                                             Salt and Pepper 

                     Tea and Tarts                                                             Lovely Dark Chocolate 




                    Okra and Rice                                               Chicken Feet Soup 



            Fried Fish  With Gravy                                                   Vegetable Soup 

                                Lollypops                                                      Cheese and Crackers                                                                  


             Local Preserved Red Mango                                        Coconut Drops 


                                 Bene Balls                                                Burnt Bread For Cooling         


                     Papaw Fruit 

                   Dates                                                                         Vege Wrap 



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